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Over the years I've made a few movies for my research talks and for science communication purposes, which I'll update every now and again here. Feel free to use these (for non-commercial purposes) with the appropriate credit.

Resonant orbits in a barred spiral galaxy extracted from one of the Auriga cosmological simulations. The left panel shows three bar-resonant orbits in an inertial frame of reference, and the right panel shows the same three orbits in a rotating frame of reference. From Fragkoudi et al. (2020).

Credit: F. Fragkoudi & the Auriga Collaboration 

Zooming around an isolated barred spiral galaxy. Only the gaseous component of the galaxy is displayed. Movie made using glnemo2.

Credit: F. Fragkoudi

A simulated barred spiral galaxy from the Auriga suite of cosmological zoom-in simulations. Rotating the galaxy to view it face-on, edge-on and zooming in on its bar and boxy/peanut bulge.

Credit: F. Fragkoudi & the Auriga Collaboration

A simulated isolated barred spiral galaxy with star formation and supernova feedback. From left to right: stellar surface density, gas surface density, temperature of the gas. The top row shows the face-on projection and the bottom row shows the edge-on projection of the galaxy. From Fragkoudi & Bieri (in prep.).

Credit: F. Fragkoudi & R. Bieri

The movie shows a dark matter particle orbiting in a barred spiral galaxy from the Auriga suite of cosmological zoom-in simulations. The galaxy and orbit are shown in a rotating frame of reference in a face-on (left) and edge-on (right) projection. The dark matter particle is corotating with the bar.

Credit: F. Fragkoudi & the Auriga Collaboration

The movie shows the density distribution of gas (top), its line of sight velocity (middle) and residual velocity (bottom) through different position angles for a barred galaxy. The left panels show the whole galaxy and the right panels show a zoomed-in region around the centre. 

Credit: F. Fragkoudi


Formation of a galactic bar in an N-body simulation. The video shows the spontaneous formation of a galactic bar in a self-gravitating axisymmetric stellar disc. The top panel shows the face-on projection of stars and the bottom panel shows the edge-on projection.

Credit: F. Fragkoudi 

Formation of a galactic bar and its vertical extension, a boxy/peanut bulge, in an N-body simulation. The top panel shows the face-on projection of stars and bottom panel shows the edge-on projection. The galaxy is rotated such that the bar lies along the x-axis, which allows to better see the formation of the boxy/peanut bulge in the bottom panel. 

Credit: F. Fragkoudi 

The dynamics of gas in a barred galaxy: The movie shows a 2D hydrodynamical simulation of gas in an analytic barred galaxy potential. The gas disc and potential start out axisymmetric (the gas is in hydrostatic equilibrium) and the bar potential is slowly introduced into the simulation. This leads to the formation of shocks in the gas on the leading edge of the bar (which are often seen as prominent dust lanes in observed barred galaxies).

Credit: F. Fragkoudi 

Dr Francesca Fragkoudi


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